Where you want to admit it or not, legal drugs are a more responsible for deaths in the United States each year than illegal drugs are. There are lots of people addicted to illegal drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, meth amphetamines, and heroine. There are more people that are addicted to illegal drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol that killed thousands each year. It is estimated that alcohol and tobacco kill up to 10 times more each year in America than all illegal drugs combined. This is costing American taxpayer’s money each and every year. We are going to go over four ways that other people’s legal and illegal drugs habits cost you and I money each and every day.
The first way we will discuss the drugs affect American families is child and spousal abuse. The Department of Social Services is a state and federal funded program that taxpayer’s money goes to each year. Drugs cause many people, especially older men, to abuse their children and wives. Sadly this is mainly linked to a legal drug known as alcohol. If you think that alcohol is not dangerous, you should think again.
In America we have to support people on welfare, many of whom are drug dealers and their families. Taxes go up each and every year to help support programs such as welfare and food stamps here in America. Many of these programs unfortunately support drug dealers and their families, mainly illegal drug dealers. The legal drug dealers, such as Anheuser-Busch and Philip Morris, do not require government support. They make billions of dollars each year illegally selling tobacco and alcohol.
Many taxpayers’ dollars go towards special education needs of children harmed from their mothers because they were using drugs while they were pregnant. Drugs cause many birth defects each and every year in America. Many of these children have to go to special schools and get special education that you and I pay for.
The last thing we are going to discuss is the increased taxes to pay for police protection. The reason we need more police protection is because there are a growing number of robberies and murders that are directly related to drugs. Many people on drugs will rob, kill, and steal from anybody they come in contact with to get their next fix. It is unfortunate that we have to keep paying for more police officers each year because of this terrible tragedy.